Changes to the ABN application process

The ATO has made recent changes to the application process for an Australian Business Number (ABN). The changes have been made as a measure to protect the process’ integrity and identify those who are attempting to misuse it. An ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the government and the…

How to get the most out of business meetings

Conducting meetings is a regular way of communicating what needs to be done around the office, but if nothing gets accomplished it can be discouraging. Business meetings that don’t produce results can cost companies’ time and money. When organised properly, however, business meetings can be effective and efficient. There are solutions available to counteract problems…

Reducing errors when claiming business expenses

The ATO has identified particular areas relating to business expenses that are commonly entered incorrectly in tax returns. Owners should take the time to carefully review tax returns to ensure all information is correct. Individuals who use a motor vehicle entirely for their business can claim a deduction for the whole amount. However, if they…

Choosing the right business location

When setting up your business, choosing a location can be a critical factor in its success. Unless you are completely home-based, you will need to decide where you will conduct your business either by leasing or buying premises. Each organisation has varying requirements, so it is necessary to consider your needs and priorities when deciding…

What disqualifies you from an SMSF

Self-managed super funds are regulated by the ATO and have specific eligibility criteria that members and trustees must follow. While anyone 18 years old or over can be a trustee or director of an SMSF, they mustn’t be under a legal disability such as mental incapacity, or a disqualified person. The ATO can render an…

Tax incentives for start-up investors

Tax incentives may be available to investors that are considering putting their money into qualifying start-up businesses. Eligible businesses are defined by the ATO as early-stage innovation companies (ESICs). The two key tax incentives for eligible early-stage investors, also known as ‘angel investors’, who purchase new shares in an ESIC are: Non-refundable carry forward tax…