Contractor obligations for business owners

Contractors bring with them different obligations that business owners need to comply with. Employers that incorrectly classify employees and contractors can face hefty penalties and charges as well as claims for entitlements and superannuation contributions. It must be established whether they are employees or contractors to get tax and super requirements right. When hiring an…

Knowing when to cut a product

Businesses looking to improve their profitability may need to consider cutting under-performing products and services. How a product contributes to growth strategy, brand management and production efforts can help you determine whether you should discontinue it. Underperforming products can drain the company’s resources and finances that could be used to profit elsewhere. It might be…

Super law changes to NALI and LRBA

Integrity measures included in Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Superannuation Measures No. 1) Bill 2019 have now been enacted with an effective date of 1 July 2018. There have been amendments made to non-arm’s length income (NALI) provisions and Limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) amounts will now be included in total superannuation balance (TSB) calculations. The…

GST margin scheme

The margin scheme is a way of working out the GST you must pay when you sell property as part of your business. The amount of GST normally paid on a property sale is equal to one-eleventh of the total sale price. If the margin scheme is used, the GST is calculated on the difference…

Breaking down business industry codes

A business industry code (BIC) is a five-digit code you include on relevant tax returns and schedules that describes your main business activity. BICs come from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes and are added to by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for tax return reporting purposes. Employers must use the…