Tips for managing money on a low income

Tips for managing money on a low income

Increasing living expenses and commitments can make it challenging to manage and save money, especially for low income earners. Here are some tips that may help you reduce financial pressures on a low income… Prioritise high-interest debts:If you have a lot of different debts to pay off, prioritise them by their interest rates. Paying off…

Using the First Home Super Saver Scheme

Using the First Home Super Saver Scheme

Individuals looking to buy their first home may claim up to $30,000 of their super contributions through the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme, which aims to reduce pressure on housing affordability. The scheme allows first home buyers to save money within their superannuation fund and accumulate faster savings with the concessional tax treatment of…

All you need to know about lodgement deferral dates

All you need to know about lodgement deferral dates

Due to COVID-19 and unforeseen financial circumstances, the ATO has announced a series of lodgement deferral dates available for tax returns, fringe benefits tax returns, monthly and quarterly BAS, annual GST returns, PAYG summary annual reports and taxable payment annual reports. Lodgement deferrals extend the due date for lodgement of a document without incurring a…