Maximising holiday sales after the pandemic

Maximising holiday sales after the pandemic

This holiday season is not going to be like any other. Preparing for how your business will tackle the change ahead of time will help maximise sales. Maintain a human and compassionate approach in all customer communications: This will make your customers feel more comfortable and be pleasantly different to the technology-based interactions they are…

How the first home super saver scheme works

How the first home super saver scheme works

The first home super saver (FHSS) allows individuals to save up for their first home in their super fund. The money saved in the super fund is taxed concessionally and therefore, individuals are able to save faster. Individuals can make voluntary concessional (before-tax) or voluntary non-concessional (after-tax) contributions into their super fund. They can then…

Fringe benefits and fringe benefits tax

Fringe benefits and fringe benefits tax

What are fringe benefits? Employees may opt to make an agreement with their employers that provides them with fringe benefit ‘payments’ in a form other than salary or wages. There are various types of fringe benefits: Employees being able to use work car for private use Discounted loans Paying an employee’s gym membership Providing entertainment…

What to consider when choosing a super fund

What to consider when choosing a super fund

Choosing a super fund requires taking multiple things into consideration. Such as its performance, the fees you will be required to pay, details of the insurance, and different investment options that are available. Performance Performance is one of the most important things to consider when choosing a super fund. Take a look at how the…

Business management practices to follow

Business management practices to follow

Engage employees in the company vision It is important to share the business vision with employees so that they feel more motivated and enthusiastic. This will not only develop an interest in the work being completed, but also increase productivity. Further, engaged workers are more likely to bring in ideas and contribute  to the growth…