Web tools to use when working from home

Web tools to use when working from home

Traditionally, it has always been much easier to manage employees and ensure collaborative productivity through onsite and in-office procedures. However, with the COVID-19 outbreak forcing many businesses to continue their operations online business owners and employees are understandably struggling to keep productive and synergised while working individually from home. To help with keeping businesses running…

Investing in shares vs property in SMSFs

Investing in shares vs property in SMSFs

Shares and property are two popular investment options for those with a self-managed super fund (SMSF). However, they both have very different attributes and choosing the one that will achieve the best outcome for an SMSF depends on your personal goals and situation. While the price of shares can vary drastically, property is a relatively…

What deductions can you claim on your website

What deductions can you claim on your website?

Most businesses nowadays have some sort of website, but designing, creating and maintaining a website for your business can be complicated. Many businesses use website services to develop and design their website for them if they don’t have the expertise or time to do it themselves. Often, this can be an expensive venture. Not only…

SMSF Deductible expenses

SMSF: Deductible expenses

One of the downsides of running a self-managed super fund (SMSF) are the fees, but making sure you know what SMSF expenses are deductible can help you make the most out of your money. Many expenses required for running an SMSF can be deductible unless they are related to gaining non-assessable income, such as exempt…