Super For Contractors

Super For Contractors

Contractors who run their own business and sell their services to others have different obligations to their super than what employees in a business may usually have. A contractor (also known as an independent contractor, a subcontractor, or a subbie) who is paid wholly or principally for their labour is considered to be an employee…

Consequences Of Improperly Lodged Tax Returns

Consequences Of Improperly Lodged Tax Returns

With tax return season approaching quickly this year, you may have already started looking into lodging your income tax return. Ensuring that your details are correct and that any information about your earned income from the year is lodged is the responsibility of the taxpayer and their tax agent. However, if during this income tax…

How Are Different Trust Types Taxed

How Are Different Trust Types Taxed?

A tried and true method of investment, trusts are generally and commonly known as being for the wealthier elements of society. A trust however is a highly versatile tool that individuals  and businesses can use to align with and achieve their particular investment, financial or personal goals. They can also incur a number of taxable…

How A No Interest Loan Works

How A No Interest Loan Works

Sometimes there are a few unexpected expenses that can impact on our financial situations, and make things just a little more difficult to deal with. The refrigerator breaking down the same week that the car registration is due could be too much of a financial burden for many individuals. With many credit-providing schemes and dubious…