What you need to know about JobMaker

What you need to know about JobMaker

Job losses have been extensive during the COVID-19 pandemic and the JobMaker Hiring Credit will give businesses incentives to take on additional employees aged between 16 and 35 years old. Eligible employers will receive $200 a week for each new employee aged between 16 and 29. For new eligible employees aged 30 to 35, they’ll…

Insolvency reforms to support small business

Insolvency reforms to support small business

The government recognises that despite support to get through the COVID-19 outbreak, not all businesses are going to remain viable. Many small businesses will have significantly increased levels of debt in order to remain in business during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government is introducing a number of permanent and temporary measures to expand the availability…

Upskilling Australia

Upskilling Australia

The Budget highlights the government’s commitment to getting people back in jobs and upskilling Australians. The JobTrainer Fund which falls under the JobMaker Plan will support up to 340,700 free or low-fee training places in areas needed to help upskill and retrain job seekers and young people.  The government will provide exemptions for employer-provided retraining…

Tax effective investment options

Tax-effective investment options

Determining where to invest requires multiple factors to be taken into consideration. One such factor may be tax efficiency. The tax charged on income from a tax-effective investment is less than the individual’s marginal tax rate. Superannuation The government provides incentives to save through Super, which make it one of the most tax-effective investments. Contributing…

What is salary sacrificing for super

What is salary sacrificing for super?

One of the most effective ways to add to your super balance is through salary sacrifice. Salary sacrifice involves the employee agreeing to exchange a portion of their salary (before tax) for an increase in superannuation contribution by their employer. Contributions made through salary sacrifice are classified as employer contributions, not employee contributions. These are…

How to upscale your business

How to upscale your business

Set realistic and actionable goals Businesses should set realistic and actionable small goals which they can work towards, rather broad goals which provide no direction. Setting broad and unrealistic goals is demotivating and makes any progress made seem insignificant. Every person in the business should be given a target to meet over a reasonable timeline…