How Do Partnerships Operate

How Do Partnerships Operate?

Starting a partnership may be a high-yielding decision whether you are in the business game or setting your sights on a new business venture. A partnership business structure is an incorporated business with 2-20 owners. The individual owners work together to achieve the business’s goals, sharing responsibility and profits. In a partnership, control or management…

Contractors Superannuation

Contractors & Superannuation

Contractors who run their own business and sell their services to others have different obligations to their super than what employees in a business may usually have. A contractor (also known as an independent contractor, a subcontractor, or a subbie) who is paid wholly or principally for their labour is considered to be an employee…

Uncomplicating The Tax Treatment Of Life Insurance

Uncomplicating The Tax Treatment Of Life Insurance

Have you recently purchased life insurance? The type of cover, deductibility of premiums and treatment of claims make life insurance a complex topic for tax. It’s a topic that individuals and businesses alike seek assistance from accountants. The deductibility of premiums and treatment of claims payouts can be a complex, nuanced topic. The opportunities and…