Why you need business interruption insurance

With many small businesses often being the livelihood for their entire families, owners should consider taking out business interruption insurance in order to safeguard against financial loss experienced as a result of incidents such as fire, floods, damage and burglaries. With statistics showing one in four small businesses would not survive if they had to…

The importance of keeping business records

Businesses operating in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, the task of keeping records can fall secondary to everyday business operations. However, failing to efficiently keep up-to-date and comprehensive records can hurt your business’s long term operations. Probably the most important reason behind sound record-keeping is that it allows you to learn and grow from your…

Don’t delay new business ideas

Many business owners have exciting ideas about where the future might take their company. These ideas may be concerning new products, internal improvements or new market segments. It is, however, an unfortunate fact that the execution of these exciting plans often gets delayed. In the process, the growth of your firm is slowed. One of…

Doing market research for your business

Market research is key to developing relevant and effective business strategies as it helps you understand your industry, customers, competitors and market trends. Undertaking both primary and secondary market research can allow you to boost your business’ success if you utilise the information to improve your product/service and marketing strategies. There are a variety of…

Pros and cons of hiring an intern

With so many eager school-leavers looking for employment opportunities, hiring an intern can seem like a good way to offer work experience to someone without the risks of a long-term commitment of a regular employee. However, you should consider whether hiring an intern would be the best move for your business. Here are some pros…