Tax on gifts and donations

Individuals can claim tax deductions when giving gifts or donations to organisations that have the status of deductible gift recipients (DGR). To be eligible to claim a tax deduction for a gift, the ATO stipulates that it must meet the following four conditions: The gift must “truly be a gift”; that is, a voluntary transfer…

Paying tax on term deposits

The interest you earn from term deposits is subject to tax, just like your regular income. You have to declare investment income on your tax return, including interest in the year it was credited or received. The amount of tax you need to pay depends on the amount of interest you earn on your term…

Making NRAS claims

The national rental affordability scheme (NRAS) started on 1 July 2008, encouraging large-scale investment in affordable housing. It offers tax and cash incentives to providers of new dwellings for 10 years, granted they are rented to low and moderate income households at 20% below market rates. Though the NRAS is no longer taking new investments,…

Introducing ASFP

Plans are underway to carry out a system change during the December closure of the ATO to introduce Activity statement financial processing (ASFP). This change will move the majority of taxpayer financial information into one accounting system that will have multiple accounts. ASFP will shift activity statement and franking deficit tax accounts from the current…

Time limit on GST refunds

Small businesses entitled to refunds of GST may not be aware of the four-year time limit on claiming those refunds. Your entitlement to a GST credit ends four years from the due date of the earliest activity statement in which you could have claimed it. GST refunds are claimed under the indirect tax concession scheme…

GST margin scheme

The margin scheme is a way of working out the GST you must pay when you sell property as part of your business. The amount of GST normally paid on a property sale is equal to one-eleventh of the total sale price. If the margin scheme is used, the GST is calculated on the difference…