
Things to consider before rebranding your business

Rebranding your business can seem like a daunting task, as it can involve a range of arduous tasks such as changing designs, updating clients, retraining staff and changing your marketing strategies. However, rebranding can be an option for many businesses if: Your business is too similar to competitors. Your designs and values are updated. You…

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Keeping your virtual team on track

Managing a virtual team can offer challenges that you won’t experience in-person teamwork. It can be harder to schedule meetings, show demonstrations and build connections. However, having a virtual team offers convenience, opportunity and freedom for the team members, so here are some tips to help you make it work… Define goals and rolesAt the…

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Why you need business interruption insurance

With many small businesses often being the livelihood for their entire families, owners should consider taking out business interruption insurance in order to safeguard against financial loss experienced as a result of incidents such as fire, floods, damage and burglaries. With statistics showing one in four small businesses would not survive if they had to…

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Things to consider before hiring an intern

Hiring an intern can sound like a win-win situation; the intern gets an opportunity to learn and boost their career, you get some extra help generally at a lower wage rate than regular employees. However, it is important to first think about if an intern would be right for your company before you make the…

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The importance of keeping business records

Businesses operating in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, the task of keeping records can fall secondary to everyday business operations. However, failing to efficiently keep up-to-date and comprehensive records can hurt your business’s long term operations. Probably the most important reason behind sound record-keeping is that it allows you to learn and grow from your…

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Can you change your business or company name?

Changing your business or company name can be an exciting leap. You can find yourself thinking about things like redesigned logos, rebranding and new customers, but before that, you have to think about the steps required to officially change your name. You cannot request to change the name of your existing business once it has…

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