Tax Doing A Final Tax Return For A Deceased Loved One

Doing A Final Tax Return For A Deceased Loved One

At the worst time of your life, the last thing you want to think about is tax. However, when a loved one dies, their affairs must be dealt with at some stage. This includes their tax obligations. You must lodge a date of death tax return if any of the following apply to the deceased…

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Tax Have You Taken The Time To Tax Plan This EOFY

Have You Taken The Time To Tax Plan This EOFY?

As the financial year comes to a close, now is the time to visit your accountant or tax advisor to discuss tax planning for your business in 2023. At the end of every financial year, business owners should be reviewing and measuring their performance in comparison to the previous year. By regularly reviewing this information,…

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Tax Dont Forget To Declare All Investment Income In Your Return

Don’t Forget To Declare All Investment Income In Your Return!

If you’ve made a major investment in the last financial year, any income made from it will need to be included on your tax return. Any income earned from investments and asses must be declared in your tax return. This may include amounts from interest, dividends, rental income, managed investment trust credits, crypto assets and…

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Tax The Instant Asset Write Off Returns

The Instant Asset Write-Off Returns

The Federal Budget has reintroduced the $20,000 Instant Asset Write Off to benefit small businesses amidst the myriad of measures announced by the government.  The instant asset write-off will return for the 2023-24 financial year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024). If you buy an asset to use for business purposes and it costs…

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