Money Effective Money Management With a Budget

Effective Money Management With a Budget

Every little bit of money counts in today’s economic climate, and for many, it’s about making what they have, work for what it is that they need. Money management is an important skill to learn as it helps boost finances with very simple steps. Money management can ease the stress and financial worries of people…

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Money Heres how to start investing

Here’s how to start investing

There are a lot of options when it comes to investing, but often people are daunted by the prospect. A lack of accessible information, misconceptions about investment opportunities and fear of losing money are often reasons people opt out of investing. Investing can be as easy as a savings account separate from the account that…

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Money Spotting unauthorised and mistaken transactions

Spotting unauthorised and mistaken transactions

When checking through your transactions, you might come across a transaction that doesn’t look right. If this is the case, you should get into contact with your bank as soon as possible. An unauthorised transaction: Money transferred from your account without your permission A mistaken transaction: Paying the wrong person by using the wrong details…

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Money How you can repair the errors in your credit score

How you can repair the errors in your credit score

Your credit score can affect loans and credit you apply for. You are able to have errors on your credit report fixed for free. The following are typical errors in credit reports, that you are able to get fixed for free. Errors by the credit reporting agency – there may be instances where the agency…

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Money Stay on top of your credit cards

Stay on top of your credit cards

The following are some tips which will make it easier for you to stay on top of your credit card payments so that you can worry less and save more. Pay on time Check when your credit card due date is and plan your spending so that you can always pay before the date. By…

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Money Do these things on every payday

Do these 3 things on every payday

It can be tempting to treat yourself on payday, but in the long run, planning your spending will be more rewarding. Creating a payday routine will help you pay your bills on time and save more money to put aside. The very first step needs to be completed the night before payday. Transfer any funds…

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