Super Getting a Double Deduction for your Super Contributions

Getting a Double Deduction for your Super Contributions?

Each year you are entitled to a tax deduction for a certain amount of superannuation contributions. The tax deduction is available to your employer if they contribute on your behalf but it can also be available to you personally when you make extra contributions to super. The amount that you can claim as a tax…

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Super Downsizer Contributions – What Are They

Downsizer Contributions – What Are They?

If you are aged 65 years or older, you are currently able to make downsizer contributions of up to $300,000 into your superannuation fund from the sale of your main residence (as of 1 July 2018). The Federal Budget recently announced that the age limit for downsizer contribution payments will be reduced from 65 to…

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Business Taking Advantage of Free Marketing With Blogging

Taking Advantage of Free Marketing With Blogging

To gain a foothold in the online community, it is becoming more and more important that small businesses take advantage of and develop a web presence that they can use to engage and communicate with their customers. Blogs are among the primary three forms of media used in most content strategies today. By consistently using…

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Tax Dont CopyPaste Your Tax Return From Last Year

Don’t Copy/Paste Your Tax Return From Last Year

Due to the impacts of COVID-19, how Australians claim work-related expenses on their tax returns every other year is sure to be different this year. The ATO is warning Australians that they will be watching what is claimed and how the impacts of COVID-19 are reflected in tax returns. During the 2020 tax return season,…

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Super Removing Superannuations Minimum Income Threshold Limit

Removing Superannuation’s Minimum Income Threshold Limit

From 1 July 2022 employees will no longer need to meet the monthly minimum income threshold of $450 to receive superannuation guarantee payments from their employers due to the Federal Budget’s recently announced changes to superannuation. Previously, employers did not need to pay employees superannuation guarantee payments if they did not earn $450 per month.…

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