Super What Does The Non Concessional Cap Increase Mean For You

What Does The Non-Concessional Cap Increase Mean For You?

The Federal Budget dropped on Tuesday, 11 May, with many announced amendments and changes that affected the superannuation and SMSF sectors. Non-concessional contributions increased maximum limits were announced and would come into effect as of 1 July 2021, increasing the cap from $110,000, up from the previous cap of $100,000. Personal Contributions made into an…

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Super Gender Inequality in Superannuation

Gender Inequality in Superannuation

Gender gaps can affect superannuation accounts as much as they can affect salary rates. With barriers to entering into fields, lower hourly rates of pay, less hours worked and more unpaid labour affecting the amount of super Australian women are retiring with, as compared to men. Currently, the median superannuation balance for men aged between…

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Business Using Market Research To Boost Your Business

Using Market Research To Boost Your Business

Market research is an effective tool that can be used to boost your business in terms of sales, customer engagement and how your competitors may be performing. It allows you to make well-informed decisions that can potentially add value to your business. When conducting market research, ensure that you are covering all of the potential…

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Tax The Shortcut Method Claiming Your Work From Home Deduction

The Shortcut Method: Claiming Your Work From Home Deduction

There’s a new normal towards how Australians are approaching their work, with remote working now a more viable option for businesses and their employees, and it’s affecting the way that Australians now make claims for tax. With many businesses affected by city-wide lockdowns during parts of the 2020-21 financial year, and some whose employees preferring…

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Super Super For Contractors

Super For Contractors

Contractors who run their own business and sell their services to others have different obligations to their super than what employees in a business may usually have. A contractor (also known as an independent contractor, a subcontractor, or a subbie) who is paid wholly or principally for their labour is considered to be an employee…

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