Tax Tax Deductible Interest From Your Home Loan

Tax Deductible Interest From Your Home Loan

It’s a simple, step-by-step process used by many Australians to increase their income. Borrow money from a financial institution, invest in a second property and pay off the loan with the profit accrued from the investment property (ie. rent from tenants). But did you know that the interest on a home loan for the purchase…

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Super What To Know About Super For The Self Employed

What To Know About Super For The Self-Employed

If you’re self-employed, you aren’t required to pay yourself super guarantee payments. It is however a recommended way to save for your retirement, and making personal super contributions could be beneficial for you in the long run. As a self-employed individual, you can make regular or lump-sum payments to your super, potentially claim a tax…

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Tax How To Maximise Tax Returns On The Side Hustle

How To Maximise Tax Returns On The Side Hustle

If you or someone that you know began a side business (or “side hustle”) during the last financial year, you would have to meet the tax obligations that come with that business, along with the tax obligations of your primary business. All income earned through a side business is taxable income. That means that every…

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Money Effective Money Management With a Budget

Effective Money Management With a Budget

Every little bit of money counts in today’s economic climate, and for many, it’s about making what they have, work for what it is that they need. Money management is an important skill to learn as it helps boost finances with very simple steps. Money management can ease the stress and financial worries of people…

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Super PAYG – What Does That Mean

PAYG – What Does That Mean?

Checking that your pay as you go instalments (PAYG) still reflect your expected end of year tax liability is a good idea. PAYG instalments can be varied multiple times throughout the year, with the varied amount or rate applying to the remaining instalments for the income year, or until another variation is made. PAYG instalments…

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