Money Spotting unauthorised and mistaken transactions

Spotting unauthorised and mistaken transactions

When checking through your transactions, you might come across a transaction that doesn’t look right. If this is the case, you should get into contact with your bank as soon as possible. An unauthorised transaction: Money transferred from your account without your permission A mistaken transaction: Paying the wrong person by using the wrong details…

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Super Advantages and disadvantages of home reversion

Advantages and disadvantages of home reversion

Super (AU): Pros and cons of home reversion Home reversion is when you sell a share of the future value of your home whilst still living there. You receive a lump-sum payment and continue to own the remaining share of your home equity. Pros You are able to continue living in your home after you…

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Tax Do you need to be paying luxury car tax

Do you need to be paying luxury car tax?

Luxury car tax or LCT is a 33% tax on cars that have a value (including GST) above the set threshold. However, the tax is only on the value which is above the threshold. Businesses and individuals that sell or import luxury cars are required to pay LCT. You can make LCT payments in instalments…

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Super What you need to know about the transfer balance cap

What you need to know about the transfer balance cap

The transfer cap refers to the amount of money that can be transferred from your superannuation account to your tax-free ‘retirement phase’ account. At the moment, the transfer balance cap is $1.6 million and all individuals have a personal transfer balance cap of $1.6 million. Exceeding the personal transfer balance cap means that you have…

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Business The management styles you should stay away from

The management styles you should stay away from

The business management style you adopt will depend on the needs of your business, what motivates your employees, and your style of work. Therefore, you do have some flexibility when it comes to the choices you make and how you manage your business. However, there are some which you should always avoid due to the…

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