Tax Reduce the tax you pay

Reduce the tax you pay

There are various potential ways you can reduce the tax you pay. You may be entitled to tax deductions, offsets or you may choose to opt for salary packaging. Tax deductions will reduce your taxable income amount. For example, potential tax deductions are work-related expenses, self-education expenses, charitable donations, the cost of managing your taxes.…

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Business Dont forget the due diligence before buying a business

Don’t forget the due diligence before buying a business

You’ve found the perfect business for you to buy. It fits all your requirements and you’re in a position where you can comfortably buy the business. What’s next? Before you sign the contract to finalise the buy, it is important to conduct due diligence. For this, you should review the financial records, business operations and…

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Tax The ATOs record keeping requirements

The ATO’s record-keeping requirements

Record-keeping, if done well, can help running a business much easier. It gives you an overview of the business’ financial progress so that owners can assess their strengths and weaknesses and make decisions accordingly. Record keeping also enables owners to meet their tax and superannuation obligations easily – all the data and information required is…

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Money What you need to know about debt consolidation

What you need to know about debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a form of refinancing which involves taking one larger loan out to pay off multiple small ones. Although this might make managing repayments easier, you may end up paying more money interest rate or fees. There will be companies that make offers which are too good to be true. If you feel…

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