Business The importance of company culture

The importance of company culture

Company culture has become an important part of how businesses are perceived. Businesses with a positive culture are more likely to attract clients and customers. Statistics also show that over 50% of executives believe that having a good culture can influence productivity, creativity, profitability, firm value and growth rates. However, while it can be easier…

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Tax Taxation process for your super contributions

Taxation process for your super contributions

How much tax you pay on your super contributions and withdrawals depends on a variety of factors. The process takes into account your total super amount, your age, and the type of contribution or withdrawal you make. How are super contributions taxed? The money that you contribute to your super account through your employer is…

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Super What do the super fund categories actually mean

What do the super fund categories actually mean?

There are four different categories of super funds. These have different primary features and are more applicable to certain people than they are to others. Retail super funds Anyone can join retail funds. They are mostly run by banks and investment companies: Allow for a wide range of investment options. Financial advisors may recommend this…

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Tax CGT concessions available to small businesses

CGT concessions available to small businesses

Businesses receive four different types of concessions on top of CGT exemptions and rollovers which are available to everyone. These allow businesses to disregard or defer some or all of the capital gains from an active asset which is used in the business. The four additional concessions include: 15-year exemption: If the business has owned…

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