Tax Taxation of your investment income

Taxation of your investment income

Investment income needs to be included when conducting tax returns. This includes any income acquired through interest, dividends, rent, managed funds distributions, and capital gains. The income yielded from investments is taxed at a marginal tax rate. Individuals are able to claim deductions for the cost of buying, managing, and selling an investment. However, the…

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Money Getting the most out of your bank account

Getting the most out of your bank account

Banking is often more complicated than you expect it to be with different types of accounts, fees and fine print to take into consideration. You are able to get more out of your bank account if you pay closer attention to certain details. Re-evaluate your bank Due to the competitive market space, new offers that…

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Business Maximising holiday sales after the pandemic

Maximising holiday sales after the pandemic

This holiday season is not going to be like any other. Preparing for how your business will tackle the change ahead of time will help maximise sales. Maintain a human and compassionate approach in all customer communications: This will make your customers feel more comfortable and be pleasantly different to the technology-based interactions they are…

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Super How the first home super saver scheme works

How the first home super saver scheme works

The first home super saver (FHSS) allows individuals to save up for their first home in their super fund. The money saved in the super fund is taxed concessionally and therefore, individuals are able to save faster. Individuals can make voluntary concessional (before-tax) or voluntary non-concessional (after-tax) contributions into their super fund. They can then…

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Tax Tax relief to help individuals through the pandemic

Tax relief to help individuals through the pandemic

The Federal Budget for 2020 announced personal and business tax relief through various tax cuts. The legislation was approved by parliament meaning that individuals and businesses will be paying less tax, and have more money to invest and spend into the economy. For individuals, the government has brought forward tax cuts which were initially planned…

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