Tax FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance

FBT exemption for businesses with emergency assistance

Businesses that provide benefits to employees during an emergency situation are likely to have assistance costs be exempt from fringe benefits tax (FBT). It is worthwhile to know what kinds of benefits you as a business owner can provide for different emergencies that will be excluded from FBT. Exemptions will apply to benefits you provide…

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Super Why excess super contributions can be expensive

Why excess super contributions can be expensive

A great way to grow your retirement savings is by making regular contributions to your super fund. However, there are limits to extra contributions which when exceeded, may be subject to additional tax liabilities. Concessional contributions There are two kinds of contributions, concessional and non-concessional, which have different contribution caps. Concessional contributions are payments made…

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Business Tips to reduce churn for your business

Tips to reduce churn for your business

Acquiring new customers can often be simpler than retaining existing customers. However, loyal customers give your business a higher chance of succeeding. Unhappy customers stop doing business with you, negatively affecting your business’ growth. The rate at which your business is losing customers is called churn rate. It can be crucial to address this churn…

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Business Improving cyber security for your business

Improving cyber security for your business

COVID has prompted businesses to go digital, making cyberattacks an easy job for scammers. Small businesses are especially at risk because of the lack of resources to purchase high security tools and software. Consider using the following strategies to avoid each type of risk to give your business the extra protection it needs. Avoiding Phishing…

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Super What to do before consolidating your super

What to do before consolidating your super

The ATO reported that 45% of working Australians were not aware that they had multiple super accounts in 2016. Having multiple super accounts is particularly common for individuals who have had more than one job. If this is you, it is important to identify and manage your super accounts because having more than one can…

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Tax Extending relief with JobKeeper changes

Extending relief with JobKeeper 2.1 changes

The Government has introduced additional changes to JobKeeper to help more businesses qualify for the relief payments. One of the key changes was moving the relevant date of employment for an eligible employee from 1 March to 1 July 2020, to extend employee eligibility. This allows those who were full time employees on or before…

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