Business JobKeeper extension announced

JobKeeper extension announced

The Australian Government has announced that JobKeeper payments will be extended for a further six months after the initial 28 September 2020 deadline. However, the extended JobKeeper program will have substantial payment reductions compared to the original JobKeeper amounts, as well as revised eligibility requirements. The new JobKeeper flat-rate payment after September will be reduced…

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Money How to successfully manage your debt recovery

How to successfully manage your debt recovery

Businesses can be heavily impacted by customers who cannot, or simply will not pay when payment is due. A single unpaid invoice can cause issues, and the longer this debt is left uncollected, your chances of getting your money back become slim. Consider these tips to avoid and manage debt recovery to save your business…

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Super Avoiding SMSF disputes

Avoiding SMSF disputes

Self-managed super funds (SMSF) can be vulnerable to disputes, especially when family members are involved. SMSF disputes may be caused by a number of reasons such as relationship breakdowns, (common in funds where parents and siblings are in a member and trustee relationship) and fundamental differences in opinions. Other common triggers for SMSF disputes include:…

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Tax Income payments to include in your business’ tax return

Income payments to include in your business’ tax return

Due to changing economic circumstances, businesses may be receiving income from sources they have never received from, and may be unaware of their tax implications. In the event that they are listed below, you will need to include them in your business’ tax return. Government paymentsDue to COVID-19, many government grants and payments have been…

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Business New JobTrainer Government scheme and wage subsidies

New JobTrainer Government scheme and wage subsidies

The Government has introduced a $2 billion JobTrainer scheme, which aims to help businesses train or re-skill workers in Australian industries of high demand. What is JobTrainer? The new scheme will create 340,700 job opportunities nation-wide and will be open to recent school graduates and workers looking to re-skill in a new industry. Industries that…

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Super What are the circumstances for early access to super

What are the circumstances for early access to super?

Early access to your superannuation is permitted under a few limited circumstances outlined by the ATO. In the case that you are experiencing financial struggle and would like to withdraw from your super, be aware of the particular circumstances that will allow you to do so. Compassionate grounds: Withdrawing super on compassionate grounds is permitted…

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