Tax Tax mistakes to avoid for businesses

Tax mistakes to avoid for businesses

Meeting tax obligations as a business owner can be stressful and potentially expensive if done wrong. Certain mistakes warrant severe action, so you can expect the ATO to take a closer look at them if you’ve failed to identify these errors before lodging tax returns for your business. Most mistakes made with regards to tax…

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Money Funding your business the right way

Funding your business the right way

Turning an idea into a business requires money, and securing this stable funding is not easy. Businesses have a variety of innovative funding options today, but before you pick one, you may want to consider how well some of these methods fit your business model and if you can really benefit from them. Peer-to-peer lendingThis…

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Business Business changes and Taxable payments annual report

Business changes and Taxable payments annual report

COVID-19 has forced businesses to adapt their practices to cater for social distancing measures and sanitary precautions. As a result, many businesses have taken on contractors to assist with these changes. Businesses who have made payments to contractors in the last year may need to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) by 28 August.…

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Super When are super contributions tax deductible

When are super contributions tax-deductible?

Individuals may be able to claim tax deductions for personal superannuation contributions they make. Personal super contributions are made after-tax, not to be confused with the pre-tax contributions made by employers. This includes contributions made using inheritance money, savings, proceeds from the sale of assets, or from a bank account directly into a super fund.…

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Tax Amending fringe benefits tax return and extended exemptions

Amending fringe benefits tax return and extended exemptions

The Government has updated fringe benefits tax (FBT) exemptions to include travel in ride-sourcing vehicles under the existing taxi travel exemption. In the case that your business has been providing employees with such travel options and would like to amend your FBT returns to include the new exemption, the ATO has also updated 2020 FBT…

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Super Super death benefits tax dependants vs non dependants

Super death benefits tax: dependants vs non-dependants

A super death benefit is the super paid after a person’s death, usually to a nominated beneficiary. These benefits are subject to different tax treatments, depending on whether the beneficiaries are dependant or non-dependant. Superannuation death benefits will generally be received tax-free by tax dependants, who are considered to be: A child of the deceased…

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