Business The difference between debt financing and equity financing

The difference between debt financing and equity financing

Gathering funding is a challenge that almost all business owners face at some point. Financing can come in two forms – debt financing and equity financing. Debt financing is money that you borrow and plan to pay back within an agreed time frame and interest rate. Common forms of debt financing include bank loans, mortgages…

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Tax What is the small business income tax offset

What is the small business income tax offset?

The small business income tax offset can be used to reduce the tax you pay by up to $1,000 a year. Also known as the unincorporated small business tax discount, the offset is worked out on the proportion of tax payable on your business income. The rate of offset is 13% for the 2020-21 financial…

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Money Different types of cashless payment methods to be aware of

Different types of cashless payment methods to be aware of

In an effort to minimise physical contact during the global pandemic, most businesses are making the switch to cashless payments. While contactless credit cards and mobile wallet applications remain the most common type of cashless payments, many other methods have emerged in recent times. In the event that your business is also looking to make…

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Tax How COVID may affect tax returns

How COVID-19 may affect tax returns

The end of the financial year has rolled around again, but this time, COVID-19 may affect the way you fill out your tax return. The ATO has released a range of methods to make tax time easier for businesses and individuals experiencing unprecedented circumstances. How JobKeeper will affect tax returns Sole traders receiving JobKeeper payments…

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Business Ways to keep employees safe as they return to the workplace

Ways to keep employees safe as they return to the workplace

Enforcing health precautions is an essential step to creating a safe workplace and giving your employees peace of mind, especially during the current pandemic. Businesses looking to invite their employees back into the office after the easing of lockdown restrictions should implement safeguards to ensure their workplace is a safe one. Conduct a COVID-19 risk…

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