Business Expanding your business to different locations

Expanding your business to different locations

Expanding your business to open in multiple locations can offer more opportunities and profitability. However, managing one location can be challenging enough, so it is crucial to examine and prepare for the implications of opening up a second store. Here are some considerations that business owners need to keep in mind before deciding to open…

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Super What to know about carrying on a business in an SMSF

What to know about carrying on a business in an SMSF

Self-managed super funds can carry on a business providing the business is allowed under the trust deed and operated for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits for fund members. Carrying on a business through an SMSF does have restrictions that other businesses do not have, such as entering into credit arrangements or having overdrafts.…

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Tax New car threshold amounts for financial year

New car threshold amounts for 2020-21 financial year

New car threshold amounts will be implemented from 1 July 2020. Understanding the new thresholds and how they may affect your small business operations and vehicle usage will be important in preparing you for the financial year ahead. Income tax: There is an upper limit on the cost you use to work out the depreciation…

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Money Avoiding bad debts from your clients

Avoiding bad debts from your clients

Running a business is challenging enough, and having to deal with bad debts can add an unneeded layer of stress for you and your team. The easiest way to handle bad debts is to avoid them in the first place – here’s how. Do a background check:Before you enter into an agreement with a client…

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Business How your business can benefit from flexible workplace arrangements

How your business can benefit from flexible workplace arrangements

Businesses working from home due to social distancing restrictions can take the opportunity to learn from the experience and consider new work structures coming out of COVID-19. This could mean increased flexibility for employees when it comes to working remotely and adaptable hours. Here’s why flexible work arrangements with your employees may be beneficial for…

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Super How to transfer a business property into your SMSF

How to transfer a business property into your SMSF

Employers with a self-managed super fund (SMSF) looking to protect their business assets can consider transferring their business real property into their SMSF. Transferring business property into your SMSF is useful to protect your assets in the event of your business failing or facing litigation. It is possible for SMSF members to transfer business real…

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