Super Should you withdraw from your super funds to cope with COVID

Should you withdraw from your super funds to cope with COVID-19?

Under the coronavirus stimulus package released and revised by the Australian Federal Government on 22 March 2020, individuals in financial trouble due to the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 will be able to access their superannuation funds early. However, while the option is available, it is recommended that individuals only consider withdrawing from their super…

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Money Government funding eligibility with BAS lodgements

Government funding eligibility with BAS lodgements

As part of the second $66 billion support package in response to COVID-19 and its negative effects on the Australian economy, the Federal Government has expanded tax-free cash payments to small and medium businesses with a minimum payment of $20,000 and maximum of $100,000, up from the previous $2000 to $25,000 range. However, it is…

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Business COVID new government support for businesses

COVID-19: new government support for businesses

The Federal Government introduced a third COVID-19 support package of $130 billion on 30 March 2020. The package includes additional support for businesses, including a new JobKeeper payment to help businesses retain employees. Businesses who have been affected by COVID-19 may be able to receive a Government subsidy to help them continue to pay their…

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Business Web tools to use when working from home

Web tools to use when working from home

Traditionally, it has always been much easier to manage employees and ensure collaborative productivity through onsite and in-office procedures. However, with the COVID-19 outbreak forcing many businesses to continue their operations online business owners and employees are understandably struggling to keep productive and synergised while working individually from home. To help with keeping businesses running…

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Business Government increases cash flow support for businesses

Government increases cash flow support for businesses

The Australian Government has increased support for businesses to manage cash flow challenges under the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances. The Boosting Cash Flow for Employers measure announced on 12 March 2020 will be increased to provide up to $100,000 for eligible small and medium-sized businesses. To be eligible employers must have been established prior to 12…

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Super How to minimise your superannuation’s risk strategy

How to minimise your superannuation’s risk strategy

While the coronavirus has been causing Australia’s economy to take a recessive turn due to reduced cash flow, there is still no reason to panic about your superannuation investments just yet. However, if you are a middle-aged worker or a soon-to-be retiree, reviewing your superannuation investment strategy may prove helpful for other future unexpected economic…

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