Super Investing in shares vs property in SMSFs

Investing in shares vs property in SMSFs

Shares and property are two popular investment options for those with a self-managed super fund (SMSF). However, they both have very different attributes and choosing the one that will achieve the best outcome for an SMSF depends on your personal goals and situation. While the price of shares can vary drastically, property is a relatively…

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Business Business loan vs business credit card

Business loan vs business credit card

Business loans and business credit cards are the most popular financing options, but there are key differences between the two that you should consider to help you make the right choice for your business. Business loan:A business loan is a lump sum of money that you borrow. They can be a good option for your…

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Tax What deductions can you claim on your website

What deductions can you claim on your website?

Most businesses nowadays have some sort of website, but designing, creating and maintaining a website for your business can be complicated. Many businesses use website services to develop and design their website for them if they don’t have the expertise or time to do it themselves. Often, this can be an expensive venture. Not only…

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