Super SMSF Deductible expenses

SMSF: Deductible expenses

One of the downsides of running a self-managed super fund (SMSF) are the fees, but making sure you know what SMSF expenses are deductible can help you make the most out of your money. Many expenses required for running an SMSF can be deductible unless they are related to gaining non-assessable income, such as exempt…

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Business What does the coronavirus stimulus package mean for businesses

What does the coronavirus stimulus package mean for businesses?

Amidst the chaos of the COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus, and concerns for Australia’s weakening economy, the Morrison government most recently released a “coronavirus stimulus package” largely targeted at stimulating the Australian economy through cash payments and tax relief for small to medium-sized businesses. Worth more than $17 billion, the stimulus package is planned…

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Money How to manage your money through your bank

How to manage your money through your bank

Gone are the days of your visits to the bank to check on your credit balances. With banks consistently improving their client services and moving to easily accessible platforms such as the web and apps, there are more and more opportunities for you to self-organise your money with the services your bank provides. Here are…

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How will your super merge affect you?

Since the second half of 2019, industry super funds have begun to merge their organisations in an effort to combat APRA’s growing potential in taking action against trustees of underperforming funds. While supers are assuring their members that funds are only merging for their best interest, what exactly will the merging of your super fund…

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Expert predictions on the upcoming Division 7A

Division 7A under Australian legislation is currently concerned with private company benefits given to shareholders which are taxable under the premise of income tax purposes. For two years, the Australian government has announced that they will be making changes to the law – however, experts predict that the changes may be deferred for the third…

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