General News

All about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity and Inclusion is a growing concept that many businesses – from SMEs to MNCs – all around the world are grappling to understand and implement into their workplace. But what exactly does D&I entail and why is it becoming so important for businesses and employees? Social inequality has long been a complex global problem…

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What’s tax-deductible for home businesses?

Running your business from home can have great benefits, such as being able to spend more time with your family, not having to travel, and deciding your work hours. To make the most out of your home business experience, it is important to be aware of what tax deductions you can claim. If your home…

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Becoming socially conscious of where you super invest

Whether you are a newcomer to the workforce or have been working full time for 30 years, you must have come across the concept of superannuation. Chances are, you’ve already been steadily building your retirement funds in one of the 500 Australian superannuation funds but are still unfamiliar with how exactly your super is being…

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Tips to incorporating career mentoring into your business

A career mentorship program involves partnerships between employees to develop professional skills and gain industry knowledge. Career mentoring programs are often seen as powerful development tools for cultivating both leaders and employees within a business. Whether you are a small business owner or a multinational corporate leader, the implementation of a mentorship program will always…

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Are you responsible for unfair dismissal of employees?

If you are a small business employer wishing to dismiss employees, you must do so according to the Small Businesses Fair Dismissal Code, as breach of the code could result in legal action taken against you. If your business has less than 15 employees, it counts as a small business. Employees can apply for unfair…

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You can now opt-out of super guarantee as a high income earner

If you’ve unintentionally been going over your superannuation concessional contributions cap in past years, you may not have to worry about it from now on. As of 1 January 2020, eligible individuals with multiple jobs can apply to opt-out of receiving super guarantee (SG) from some of their employers. You may be eligible to apply…

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