Super Advantages Disadvantages Of Property Downsizing For Retirees

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Property Downsizing For Retirees

Downsizing during retirement can help you reduce costs and put some more money in your pocket so that you feel more secure about your finances during retirement. Downsizing by selling your property has advantages and disadvantages, which you should evaluate before making this decision. Advantages Increased cash flow: Downsizing should reduce your mortgage payments and…

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Tax FBT Liability During Natural Disasters Emergencies

FBT Liability During Natural Disasters & Emergencies

Australians can experience a range of natural disasters, such as floods, bushfires, tropical cyclones, severe storms and even earthquakes. These events can cause devastation to communities and financial hardship for individuals and businesses. While FBT may not be at the forefront of your mind when helping your employees after an emergency, it can result in…

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Business Setting The Right Salary For Your Employees

Setting The Right Salary For Your Employees

Setting the right salary level for your employees is essential to finding the right people to help you run your business. However, it can be difficult to determine the most appropriate level based on your business and what it can afford while also being attractive to prospective employees. When setting pay levels, particularly for advertising…

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Tax FBT The Holiday Season Your Employees

FBT, The Holiday Season & Your Employees

At the end of the year, you may look for extrinsic ways to thank your hardworking employees or faithful customers/clients. A work Christmas/end-of-year party may be a method employed by many businesses to demonstrate their gratitude towards staff, but the expense can be a deciding factor. Christmas/holiday parties are regarded as “entertainment” expenditures, which means…

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