
Treasury Law Amendment for super measures moves forward

The Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Superannuation Measures No.1) Bill 2019 has passed both Houses of Parliament and reached royal assent on 2 October 2019. First announced in the 2018-19 Budget, the Bill allows eligible individuals, whose income exceeds $263,157 and have multiple employers, to nominate wages from certain employers to not be subject to the…

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Breaking down business industry codes

A business industry code (BIC) is a five-digit code you include on relevant tax returns and schedules that describes your main business activity. BICs come from the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes and are added to by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for tax return reporting purposes. Employers must use the…

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What you should know about using cryptocurrencies

In an increasingly technologically dependent age, it can be useful to keep up with new forms of currencies in the digital space. Cryptocurrency is internet-based, digital money that is not controlled by any central authority. Currently, the most prominent cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, which has a market capitalization of over 155 billion U.S. dollars. How do…

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Budget-friendly ways to promote your small business 

Promoting your business can seem tricky to navigate and expensive, especially when there are budget and staff restrictions to think about. However, there are a number of ways to promote your business easily and cost-effectively. Blog content:Posting well-written and relevant blog content on your website can help boost website traffic while capturing the trust and…

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Consequences of late SMSF annual returns

From 1 October 2019, if an SMSF is more than two weeks overdue on any annual return lodgment due date and hasn’t requested a lodgment deferral, the ATO will change their status on Super Fund Lookup (SFLU) to ‘Regulation details removed’. The ATO is taking this approach as non-lodgment combined with disengagement indicates that the…

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Claiming travel expenses relating to rental properties

When making a claim in relation to your residential rental property, there are specific circumstances for when you can and cannot claim travel expenses. The law about claiming travel expenses for rental properties changed in July 2017. In the last year alone, the ATO received more than 70,000 incorrect claims for travel to and from…

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