
The art of reinvention 

Small businesses often rebrand or reinvent themselves to keep up with marketplace trends. Knowing when to let go of an idea so you can grow is a smart trait for a modern business owner to have. Those who resist change and leave it too late to reinvent risk stumbling behind and even failing. Instead, businesses…

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PAYG reporting dates approach

Changes have been made throughout the year regarding SMSFs and their pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding. As the end of the financial year and the due date for PAYG reporting approaches, SMSF trustees should be checking whether they are meeting new withholding obligations for capped defined benefit income streams paid to their members. If you have PAYG…

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End-of-year Single Touch Payroll changes for employers

Single Touch Payroll (STP) will change how employers report their employee’s end-of-year information to both employees and the ATO. The first year of STP for employers with 20 or more employees will soon come to an end at the completion of this financial year. Employers that are reporting through STP will no longer need to:…

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How bullying brings your workplace down

Bullying is a serious issue in workplaces and can affect your business on many levels. Workplace bullying is where repeated and unreasonable behaviour is directed towards an individual or group of employees. It is considered to be workplace bullying where it poses a risk to health and safety. Examples of bullying behaviour include verbal abusive,…

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Penalty interest deductibles

The ATO has recently replaced the Taxation Ruling (TR) 93/7W on whether penalty interest is deductible to the new TR 2019/2. This new ruling highlights the circumstances in which penalty interest is deductible and the situations where it is not. “Penalty interest” refers to an amount charged by a lender to a borrower under a…

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Is your SMSF adequately diversified?

When forming a fund’s investment strategy, diversification is a notable consideration for SMSF trustees. By spreading the investments of a fund across different asset classes and markets that offer varying risks and returns, SMSF members can better position themselves for a secure retirement. Why diversify?The intention of diversification is to spread the investment risk of…

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