
Consolidating your debt

Debt consolidation loans are a financial solution that may be suitable when you have multiple debts at once and are struggling to manage them all. Debt consolidation is the process of bringing together all of your current outstanding debts into one single repayment. This is typically done by taking out a new personal loan to…

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ATO impersonation scam report

The ATO has released an Impersonation Scam Report for the month of February 2019. Highlighted are the various ways in which scammers have attempted to contact people, posing as the ATO. The most common method of contact was by phone calls or messages, accounting for 97% of reported scams over the month. Reports of 9,342…

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ATO warns of TBAR lodgement errors

With upcoming annual lodgement dates for Transfer Balance Account Reporting (TBAR), the ATO is alerting funds of common lodgement mistakes that could lead to delays and additional processing time. The Transfer Balance Cap (TBC) is a $1.6 million cap on the total amount of superannuation benefits that a member can transfer into a tax-free retirement…

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Handling negative feedback

Customer complaints are an inevitable part of running a business. How you handle negative feedback can help or hinder retaining existing customers. Complaints can be a great learning tool for businesses looking to improve their services, products, customer satisfaction and overall competitive edge. Poorly handled complaints can see customers withdraw their business and encourage others…

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Super changes to protect employees’ entitlements

Several revisions from the Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No.4) Bill 2018 took effect from 1 April 2019. These measures are designed to help reduce the super guarantee (SG) gap, protect employees’ super entitlements and strengthen the ATO’s ability to recover unpaid super. Changes to disclosure laws will now allow the ATO to disclose information…

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ATO monitors personal living expenses

In an ongoing effort to address misuse and abuse of the tax and regulatory systems, the ATO has implemented a new tool to monitor what constitutes reasonable personal living expenses. Information is requested by the tax office to identify unreported cash income when looking at household expenditure. An individual will be required to provide this…

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