
3 amounts not classified as income

Amounts which are not classified as income are split into 3 categories. Exempt income This is income that you do not pay tax on, although, some exempt income may be taken into account when determining: Tax losses of earlier income years that you can deduct  Adjusted taxable income of dependants Some examples include certain Government…

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Tax Tax treatment of insurance payments for damaged property

Tax treatment of insurance payments for damaged property

The Australian weather can be unpredictable, resulting in intense weather conditions. Bushfires, severe storms or floods can cause personal properties and assets a lot of damage. In the case that this does occur, individuals need to determine the tax treatment of any insurance payouts or relief payments that they may receive. Usually, individuals are unlikely…

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Tax How your unused leave is taxed

How your unused leave is taxed

When your job ends, whether there has been a termination of employment or redundancy you will receive a payment for unused leave. This payment will be taxed differently from your normal income. The taxation will vary depending on the reason why you left the job and any unused entitlements that have been accrued over your…

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Tax What are fuel tax credits

What are fuel tax credits?

The government provides fuel tax credits for businesses with a credit for the fuel tax (excise or customs) that is included in the price of fuel used in machinery, plant, equipment, heavy vehicles, and light vehicles travelling off public roads or on private roads. Fuel tax credits a business receives depend on when the fuel…

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Tax What are business activity statements

What are business activity statements?

Businesses that are registered for GST are required to lodge a business activity statement (BAS). These assist in the reporting and payment of: Goods and services tax (GST) Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments PAYG withholding tax Other tax obligations ATO will automatically send businesses who are registered for an ABN and GST a BAS…

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