Tax Your First Tax Return What You Need To Know

Your First Tax Return: What You Need To Know

Tax return season is quickly approaching for individuals. You may need to begin thinking about the process sooner rather than later to ensure that you have everything ready for your accountant. If you’ve never had to complete a tax return before (and it’s your first time) or are still uncertain about what you need to…

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Tax Dont CopyPaste Your Tax Return From Last Year

Don’t Copy/Paste Your Tax Return From Last Year

Due to the impacts of COVID-19, how Australians claim work-related expenses on their tax returns every other year is sure to be different this year. The ATO is warning Australians that they will be watching what is claimed and how the impacts of COVID-19 are reflected in tax returns. During the 2020 tax return season,…

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Tax Stamp Duty Tax – The Invisible Cost To Purchases

Stamp Duty Tax – The Invisible Cost To Purchases

When you’re buying a property, there’s a high likelihood that you’re going to need to pay a tax known as stamp duty on top of the price originally agreed on for that property. Stamp duty is a tax levied by all Australian states and territories on property purchases. It is considered one of the most…

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Tax Stamp Duty Tax – The Invisible Cost To Purchases

Stamp Duty Tax – The Invisible Cost To Purchases

When you’re buying a property, there’s a high likelihood that you’re going to need to pay a tax known as stamp duty on top of the price originally agreed on for that property. Stamp duty is a tax levied by all Australian states and territories on property purchases. It is considered one of the most…

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