Tax Amending fringe benefits tax return and extended exemptions

Amending fringe benefits tax return and extended exemptions

The Government has updated fringe benefits tax (FBT) exemptions to include travel in ride-sourcing vehicles under the existing taxi travel exemption. In the case that your business has been providing employees with such travel options and would like to amend your FBT returns to include the new exemption, the ATO has also updated 2020 FBT…

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Tax What is the small business income tax offset

What is the small business income tax offset?

The small business income tax offset can be used to reduce the tax you pay by up to $1,000 a year. Also known as the unincorporated small business tax discount, the offset is worked out on the proportion of tax payable on your business income. The rate of offset is 13% for the 2020-21 financial…

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Tax How COVID may affect tax returns

How COVID-19 may affect tax returns

The end of the financial year has rolled around again, but this time, COVID-19 may affect the way you fill out your tax return. The ATO has released a range of methods to make tax time easier for businesses and individuals experiencing unprecedented circumstances. How JobKeeper will affect tax returns Sole traders receiving JobKeeper payments…

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Tax New car threshold amounts for financial year

New car threshold amounts for 2020-21 financial year

New car threshold amounts will be implemented from 1 July 2020. Understanding the new thresholds and how they may affect your small business operations and vehicle usage will be important in preparing you for the financial year ahead. Income tax: There is an upper limit on the cost you use to work out the depreciation…

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Tax Landlord tax obligations under COVID circumstances

Landlord tax obligations under COVID-19 circumstances

Property investors may have a number of tenants that have temporarily paused their rent payments or are not paying the full amount of rent owed due to being impacted by COVID-19. Regardless of rental income changes, landlords are still entitled to claim deductions on rental property expenses if they are still incurring regular rental property…

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Tax Are you eligible to claim deductions on self education expenses

Are you eligible to claim deductions on self-education expenses?

Individuals upskilling and educating themselves during these down times may be eligible to claim a deduction for their self-education expenses. The deductions apply to self-education activities that are directly related to an individual’s work as an employee. In the case that individuals are looking to claim self-education expenses based on a course’s relation to their…

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