Tax Extending relief with JobKeeper changes

Extending relief with JobKeeper 2.1 changes

The Government has introduced additional changes to JobKeeper to help more businesses qualify for the relief payments. One of the key changes was moving the relevant date of employment for an eligible employee from 1 March to 1 July 2020, to extend employee eligibility. This allows those who were full time employees on or before…

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Tax Should you lodge a TPAR for your business

Should you lodge a TPAR for your business?

The Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) is an industry-specific report through which businesses inform the ATO of the total payments made to contractors for services in that financial year. This information is then used by the ATO to match the contractors’ income declarations to improve their compliance efforts. A TPAR is generally required by businesses…

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Tax Applying for small business entity income tax concessions

Applying for small business entity income tax concessions

Businesses looking to save on tax for the financial year may consider applying for income tax concessions. Businesses classified as a small business entity are eligible for income tax concessions. Since 1 July 2016, businesses are considered small business entities in the case that they: are a sole trader, partnership or trust, operate as a…

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Tax Income payments to include in your business’ tax return

Income payments to include in your business’ tax return

Due to changing economic circumstances, businesses may be receiving income from sources they have never received from, and may be unaware of their tax implications. In the event that they are listed below, you will need to include them in your business’ tax return. Government paymentsDue to COVID-19, many government grants and payments have been…

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Tax Tax mistakes to avoid for businesses

Tax mistakes to avoid for businesses

Meeting tax obligations as a business owner can be stressful and potentially expensive if done wrong. Certain mistakes warrant severe action, so you can expect the ATO to take a closer look at them if you’ve failed to identify these errors before lodging tax returns for your business. Most mistakes made with regards to tax…

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