Tax Common GST Mistakes That You Might Be Making In Your IAS

Common GST Mistakes That You Might Be Making In Your IAS

GST is an area that commonly has mistakes made in it – mistakes that can be costly and require additional measures to correct it if they aren’t caught in time. Many small business owners continue to make errors when claiming GST credits in their GST returns or Business Activity Statements. A vast majority of these…

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Tax Can Christmas Parties Be Tax Deductible

Can Christmas Parties Be Tax-Deductible?

While your business may not necessarily be planning an extravagant bash after the events of this year, a Christmas party may be on the menu for your hard-working employees. Planning out your Christmas party in a COVID-safe manner with a little knowledge of the tax deductions you might be able to claim back can make…

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Tax What Happens To My Tax If I Have More Than One Job

What Happens To My Tax If I Have More Than One Job?

Are you in the process of getting a second job to supplement your income? Or have you already received one, and are now simply confused about what you are being taxed on? Gaining employment in a second position or job means that you may have a higher amount of tax withheld from your pay. Though…

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