Tax Taxation of your investment income

Taxation of your investment income

Investment income needs to be included when conducting tax returns. This includes any income acquired through interest, dividends, rent, managed funds distributions, and capital gains. The income yielded from investments is taxed at a marginal tax rate. Individuals are able to claim deductions for the cost of buying, managing, and selling an investment. However, the…

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Tax Tax relief to help individuals through the pandemic

Tax relief to help individuals through the pandemic

The Federal Budget for 2020 announced personal and business tax relief through various tax cuts. The legislation was approved by parliament meaning that individuals and businesses will be paying less tax, and have more money to invest and spend into the economy. For individuals, the government has brought forward tax cuts which were initially planned…

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Tax Fringe benefits and fringe benefits tax

Fringe benefits and fringe benefits tax

What are fringe benefits? Employees may opt to make an agreement with their employers that provides them with fringe benefit ‘payments’ in a form other than salary or wages. There are various types of fringe benefits: Employees being able to use work car for private use Discounted loans Paying an employee’s gym membership Providing entertainment…

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Tax What you need to know about JobMaker

What you need to know about JobMaker

Job losses have been extensive during the COVID-19 pandemic and the JobMaker Hiring Credit will give businesses incentives to take on additional employees aged between 16 and 35 years old. Eligible employers will receive $200 a week for each new employee aged between 16 and 29. For new eligible employees aged 30 to 35, they’ll…

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Tax Insolvency reforms to support small business

Insolvency reforms to support small business

The government recognises that despite support to get through the COVID-19 outbreak, not all businesses are going to remain viable. Many small businesses will have significantly increased levels of debt in order to remain in business during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government is introducing a number of permanent and temporary measures to expand the availability…

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