
Non-compliant payments to workers no longer tax deductible

Businesses can no longer claim deductions for payments to workers if they have not met their pay as you go (PAYG) withholding obligations. This applies to income tax returns lodged for the 2020 income year onwards. Any payments made to a worker where PAYG amounts haven’t been withheld or reported are called non-compliant payments. If…

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FBT car parking threshold changes

The ATO has released the Taxation Determination 2019/9, which outlines changes to the fringe benefits tax (FBT) car parking threshold. The car parking threshold for the year commencing on 1 April 2019 is $8.95. This replaces the amount of $8.83 which applied to the FBT year ended 31 March 2019. The increase has been set…

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New ATO toolkit helps small businesses get expenses right

The ATO has developed a new toolkit that helps small business owners to understand their entitlements and avoid mistakes in their tax returns. The 2019 Tax Time Toolkit Small Business covers information about: Three of the most common expenses: home-based business, motor vehicle, and business travel. Single Touch Payroll (STP) for small employers. These toolkits…

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Be wary of unregistered tax preparers

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is warning taxpayers to keep an eye out for people posing as tax agents who are not registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). Only a registered tax agent can charge a fee to prepare and lodge your tax return. There are concerns from the ATO about the number of…

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New tax toolkit for rental property owners

The ATO has developed a new rental property owners toolkit for property investors to ensure that mistakes are avoided in their tax returns. Each year, the tax office identifies fairly common mistakes being made with tax claims made in regard to investment properties. In a recent review of individual tax returns, nine out of 10…

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What is replacing AUSKey?

The ATO is developing new online services systems to replace AUSKey, which is due to retire in March 2020. Taking the place of AUSKey will be myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM). MyGovID is an authentication service that will allow individuals to prove who they are online. This system will work by establishing your identity…

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