Tax The Tricks Traps Of The Work Related Expense

The Tricks & Traps Of The Work-Related Expense

Are you up to date and aware of what you can and can’t claim on your tax return this year? Brushing up on the three rules of work-related deductions can make tax time a lot easier. In order to be able to claim a deduction for a work-related expense on your tax return, you must…

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Tax ATO Warns Against GST Fraud Attempts

ATO Warns Against GST Fraud Attempts

Registering for an ABN and applying for GST refunds when you don’t own a business or are not eligible is fraud. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has identified a significant number of GST refund fraud attempts, totalling an estimated $850 million to around 40,000 individuals. This fraud involves predominantly participants inventing fake businesses to claim…

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