Tax If Ive Lost My TFN What Can I Do

If I’ve Lost My TFN, What Can I Do?

Your tax file number (TFN) is a critical piece of information in your possession and should be a constant companion throughout your life. However, there are times when a TFN is misplaced or forgotten. What are you supposed to do? If you forget your TFN or lose it, this can be a significant issue. A…

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Tax New Work From Home Rules For Claiming Tax Deductions

New Work From Home Rules For Claiming Tax Deductions

With a new norm surrounding how Australians work (hybrid, remote or office-based), there has been a change in how work-related expenses will be claimed this year during tax season. Where once the expenses and claims that needed to be made during tax return season could be more clearly defined in terms of business or pleasure,…

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Tax Tax Resolutions This Year Youll Be Keeping

5 Tax Resolutions This Year You’ll Be Keeping

Get a gym membership, start a diet, drink less, and travel more. Every year we make plenty of new year’s resolutions that we try valiantly to uphold. Why not make one about keeping on top of your tax obligations in 2023? Are You In Business?  Know if you’re in business or not! Are you earning…

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Tax Uncomplicating The Tax Treatment Of Life Insurance

Uncomplicating The Tax Treatment Of Life Insurance

Have you recently purchased life insurance? The type of cover, deductibility of premiums and treatment of claims make life insurance a complex topic for tax. It’s a topic that individuals and businesses alike seek assistance from accountants. The deductibility of premiums and treatment of claims payouts can be a complex, nuanced topic. The opportunities and…

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Tax FBT Liability During Natural Disasters Emergencies

FBT Liability During Natural Disasters & Emergencies

Australians can experience a range of natural disasters, such as floods, bushfires, tropical cyclones, severe storms and even earthquakes. These events can cause devastation to communities and financial hardship for individuals and businesses. While FBT may not be at the forefront of your mind when helping your employees after an emergency, it can result in…

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