Tax The Shortcut Method Claiming Your Work From Home Deduction

The Shortcut Method: Claiming Your Work From Home Deduction

There’s a new normal towards how Australians are approaching their work, with remote working now a more viable option for businesses and their employees, and it’s affecting the way that Australians now make claims for tax. With many businesses affected by city-wide lockdowns during parts of the 2020-21 financial year, and some whose employees preferring…

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Tax Consequences Of Improperly Lodged Tax Returns

Consequences Of Improperly Lodged Tax Returns

With tax return season approaching quickly this year, you may have already started looking into lodging your income tax return. Ensuring that your details are correct and that any information about your earned income from the year is lodged is the responsibility of the taxpayer and their tax agent. However, if during this income tax…

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Tax How Are Different Trust Types Taxed

How Are Different Trust Types Taxed?

A tried and true method of investment, trusts are generally and commonly known as being for the wealthier elements of society. A trust however is a highly versatile tool that individuals  and businesses can use to align with and achieve their particular investment, financial or personal goals. They can also incur a number of taxable…

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Tax Tax Deductible Interest From Your Home Loan

Tax Deductible Interest From Your Home Loan

It’s a simple, step-by-step process used by many Australians to increase their income. Borrow money from a financial institution, invest in a second property and pay off the loan with the profit accrued from the investment property (ie. rent from tenants). But did you know that the interest on a home loan for the purchase…

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Tax How To Maximise Tax Returns On The Side Hustle

How To Maximise Tax Returns On The Side Hustle

If you or someone that you know began a side business (or “side hustle”) during the last financial year, you would have to meet the tax obligations that come with that business, along with the tax obligations of your primary business. All income earned through a side business is taxable income. That means that every…

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